Only Trailer Available

Director – Michael T. Barry Jr.

Genre – Short Student Film – Short, Fiction, Documentaries, Animation Films

Duration – 30 minutes 14 seconds

Country – United States

Language – English

Year – 2018

SYNOPSIS : Washington D.C.’s U-Street is currently one of the most popular, exciting, and creative neighborhoods in the nation’s capital. Young people from around the world are flocking to U-Street for its restaurants, live music, and nightlife. To many, it would appear as if the neighborhood is undergoing a modern revival, but the reality is much more complex and contested. As new residents have moved in, longstanding residents, businesses, and communities have been forced out. In 2017, U-Street is as Dr. Derek Hyra explains “gentrification gone wild.” With this in mind, D.C. residents must ask, how can we honor the cultural, political, and artistic history of U-Street while simultaneously achieving economic growth? How can we support longstanding communities and preserve historical landmarks while opening new bars, restaurants, and music venues? How can we ensure longstanding residents can remain on U-Street while welcoming new residents? And overall, how can we create diverse, tolerant communities, which both embrace change, yet remember and respect the past and the voices of longstanding residents?


Official Selection May 2018

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