Only Trailer Available
Director – Arturo Sayan
Genre – Essayistic Documentary
Duration – 43 minutes 32 seconds
Country – Germany
Language – Armenian, German
Year – 2021
SYNOPSIS : The film project ”Retreat without song” is not a classic, faithful adaptation of the novel of the same name by S. Shahnour, but some of texts and thouhts of the main character come from the book. It mainly deals with the homeland, the national cultural traditions and cusoms, the family values, ancestors and the fate of Armenian people. The film aimed at the general public and deals with questions and thoughts in a universal context. The basic idea of migration itself is particularly important here. In this case, in the role of the author, I indirectly and subtly tell my own story, based on the more philosophical passages of the novel. It is primarily about why I am now in Germany and what memories and what type of communication I have with my ancestors and with my family.
Official Selection June 2021