Director – Konstantinos Zacharakis

Genre – Sci-fi, political, artistic, humanitarian

Duration – 30 seconds

Country – Greece

Language – English, Modern Greek (1453-)

Year – 2021

SYNOPSIS : It’s been 8 years since I left Greece and started searching how can I live and be an artist. I have learned a lot and have had some really difficult times. Greece is always in my heart.

It’s my country and still to this day it feels like my home. There’s been many times over the years that I looked at the news and I just thought I don’t want to know any of this… 2020 and this year so far have been incredibly difficult for most people. I speak with my family and we talk about the challenge of staying in lockdown for so long and how now they are dealing with frequent earthquakes too. I feel sad and worried. As if that’s not enough I look for Greek news and all I see is violence. Videos of police brutality and desperate people, in desperate situations… I made this short video because this is all I can do. As an artist I don’t want to engage on a political level but I can’t watch any more Greeks just fighting each other… One of the things I always hated was when people take sides in order to feel superior over other people. Violence is not the answer.

No matter the sports team you support, your skin colour, your profession, income, your sexual preferences and gender…

I am not better than you and you’re not better than me.

We’re all here for a second.

I wanted to do something different and shorter while I’m developing more animated shorts.


Official Selection July 2021

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