Director – ABIR DUTTA

Genre –

Duration – 14 minutes 10 seconds

Country – India

Language – English

Year – 2022

SYNOPSIS : This is a love story of Sam & Olivia. Sam is a Science Fiction writer. They met with each other in the year 2013. After spending 2 months of time with Sam, Olivia had to leave. Olivia promised that she will come back to Sam and asked him to wait for her. She could not take Sam with her as there’s only one way route. Time acted as a barrier between their love and Olivia promised that she can go to any extent to either come back to Sam permanently or to take sam with her. But time passed. Everyday Sam waited for her in the same cafe where Olivia left her. He started re-searching on time travel so that he can reach Olivia. 10 years passed this way and one fine day Sam found Olivia in a way which he did not expect. He started believing the fact that “Love find its own way, whatever be the barrier is, be it distance of space, be it distance of time. Love always find its way out of thousands of barriers and obstacles.”


Official Selection September 2022

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