Only Trailer Available

Director – Sharip Mukhutdinov

Genre –

Duration – 34 minutes 20 seconds

Country – United States

Language – English

Year – 2019

SYNOPSIS : The “Kris” film features both realism and symbolism in its attempt to take on the age-old social problem of how parents relate to their children. Since the influx of the Internet and its wealth of free information; many young people use it to solve the instability of their surrounding world by learning what is really going on around them. The old concepts of parental protection and community dogma are no longer enough for the inquisitive younger generation. Kris, due to a coincidence of circumstances, her own interpretation of reality complete with the possibility of a tragic accident at any time, chooses her own way to solve the problem. From the parents’ point of view it is terrible and wrong, but because of miscommunication with their daughter, the child suffers tragedy. And this is fact.


Official Selection June 2019

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