Director – Alex Afshar
Genre – Poetry, Art, Tragedy
Duration – 8 minutes 2 seconds
Country – Sweden
Language – Persian
Year – 2019
SYNOPSIS : “Hey humans, Who are sitting on the shore, joyous and laughing, Someone is losing his life in the water.”This short film is based on a poem by Persian Poet “Nima Yushij” and reflects on refugees who have lost their lives during the attempt crossing the Mediterranean sea in hope to surviving the war and finding a better life in Europe.(French)”Humains” c’est un court métrage basé sur un poème du poète perse “Nima Yushij” et réfléchit sur les réfugiés qui ont perdu la vie lors de la traversée de la Méditerranée dans l’espoir de survivre à la guerre et de trouver une vie meilleure en Europe. “
Official Selection May 2019