Only Trailer Available

Director – Roberta Padovano , Elena Vaccarino

Genre –

Duration – 21 minutes 35 seconds

Country – Italy

Language – Italian

Year – 2020

SYNOPSIS : Geographies of the “Ubago”. Ubaghetta and its territory. A blend of history and poetry, landscape and place of the soul. Geografie dell’Ubago pays homage to a territory unknown, which the viewer perceives not only but also by listening to the refined selection of texts by Italo Calvino and Massimo Quaini. They take us on a journey through the physical and mental landscapes of this territory. What we now look at with fondness and seems to us so little, so poor, actually tells us a story of richness and preciousness in times so very different from those we live in now, yet not that very distant. The imaginary of what feels a far away dimension, both in time and space, yet is still a corner of our world. Present in the memory of a few people, it opens its doors to us and lets us in, if we’re willing to discover its magic, to somehow become ourselves part of it. When Pierino tells us about his childhood, instantly we feel like we’re accompanying him to school, with the logs for the fire on our shoulders; when he tells us of the tension felt at the arrival of Nazi’s troops at his house, we participate in the event, we too hold our breaths and cheer for the success of his clever parents His voice but also his eyes are a testimony of a proud belonging, of a life-long experience and care for this territory. Nature, displaying itself in the richness of the soil, in the abundance of the greenery, in the liveliness of the waters/rivers/streams, is and has always been an integral part of the lives of the people passing by or staying here. Society and Nature here have always been deeply intertwined, as it’s also proven by the origin of the name of this territory and the history/story of its first inhabitants. Religion and popular legends are also deeply connected both to the physical place and to the lives of its people. The generosity of the territory is not only reflected in its natural resources but also in the way of living of its people: the landscape welcomes and nourishes bodies and souls of foreigners and passers-by, just like Pierino and his wife always do, in their case with words/conversations and a coffee. Source of inspiration for many, among which can be found the famous writer Italo Calvino. Ubago is both and together a geographical matter and a concept, a metaphor of marginal hidden places The historical, sociological, anthropological, natural and agricultural interests of this territory are undeniable, incredible and deeply fascinating; this video uncovers or rather, begins to uncover its wonders in regards to all these different aspects.


Official Selection December 2020

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