Director – Om Guru

Genre –

Duration – 45 minutes 5 seconds

Country – India

Language – Gujarati?

Year – 2023

SYNOPSIS : Shubhchand used to finance money by pledging land, house or jewellery from the borrower and never cared for anyone’s influence at all. One day his village owner (Gamdhani) Bapu Dharamsinh came to him for an urgent requirement of money and he helped him without taking any pledge from him as Bapu Dharamsinh was very kind hearted and responsible village owner and shubhchand was respecting him. The story is about how Bapu Dharamsinh set an example of responsible village owner (gamdhani) and showed his gratitude towards shubhchand sheth by resolving his family issue when daku shaktising (Armed robber) was willing to take revenge with shubhchand and interfered with shubhchand’s daughter’s personal life.


Official Selection July 2023

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